Full Stack .Net Developer Training & Placement

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Fullstack Edutech Provides the Best Full Stack .Net Training in Hyderabad & Online With Complete JOB Assistance. Learn Full Stack .Net Course From Basics to advanced and get real- time experience.

150+ Hours | Get Hired In 4 Months 

Full Stack .NET

C# .Net:

  1. C# Basics
    • Variables, data types, and operators
    • Control structures (if statements, loops)
    • Pattern programming and Logical Programming
    • Arrays and Strings
    • Object-oriented programming
  1. C# Advanced Topics
    • Exception handling
    • Delegates and events
    • Generics and collections
    • LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
    • Asynchronous programming (async/await)
    • Reflection
  1. NET:
    • Introduction to ADO.NET
    • Data access technologies
    • NET architecture
  1. NET Connected Architecture
    • Connection objects
    • Command objects (SqlCommand)
    • DataReader and DataAdapter
    • Working with SQL Server databases
  1. NET Disconnected Architecture
    • DataSets and DataTables
    • Data binding
    • DataAdapter updates
    • DataViews and filtering
  1. Windows Forms:
    • Introduction to Windows Forms
    • Windows Forms application architecture
    • Creating a Windows Forms project
  1. Designing Windows Forms
    • Controls (buttons, textboxes, labels, etc.)
    • Event handling
    • Layout and positioning
    • Menus and toolbars
  1. Data Access with Windows Forms
    • Using ADO.NET with Windows Forms
    • Data-bound controls
    • DataGridView and data binding
  1. Web Forms:
    • Introduction to Web Forms
    • Web Forms application architecture
    • Creating a Web Forms project
  1. NET Controls
    • Web controls (TextBox, DropDownList, etc.)
    • Validation controls
    • Master Pages and Themes
  1. State Management in Web Forms
    • ViewState and Session state
    • Cookies and application state
    • URL parameters
  1. NET MVC:
    • Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
    • MVC architecture
    • Creating an MVC project
  1. Controllers in MVC
    • Actions and routing
    • Controller filters
    • Dependency Injection
  1. Views in MVC
    • Razor view engine
    • Layouts and partial views
    • Strongly-typed views
  1. Models in MVC
    • Data models and validation
    • Model binding
    • Entity Framework with MVC
  1. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:
  2. HTML Basics
    • HTML elements and structure
    • Forms and input elements
    • Semantic HTML
  1. CSS Basics
    • Selectors and styling
    • Layout with CSS
    • CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
  1. JavaScript Basics
    • Variables, data types, and operators
    • Functions and closures
    • DOM manipulation
    • Client-Side Validation
  1. JavaScript for form validation
    • HTML5 validation attributes
  1. SQL Server:
  2. Introduction to SQL Server
    • SQL Server architecture
    • Creating databases and tables
  1. SQL Query Language
    • JOINs and sub queries
    • Stored procedures and functions
  1. SQL Server Management
    • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
    • Backup and restore
    • User and permissions management considerations

What is .Net Full stack?

Full stack refers to Programming languages, Technologies, Database, Tools and Other services which are required to develop End-to-End application.

Who can become .Net

Full stack Developer?
The developer one who can develop Client System(using technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Server system(ADO, ASP, MVC and Core) and Database(SQL Server) in Project become Dot Net Full stack developer.

How can you become .Net Fullstack developer?

With our Job assured 4 months Fullstack certification program, you can become master in all areas of application developement including Client, Server, Database and Realtime tools.

.Net Full Stack

₹ 14999/-

Interview Questions

  • Variable is an identity of memory allocation.
  • Using variable, we can store and process information.
  • We need to specify the data type in the declaration of every variable.
  • We need to specify the data type in the declaration of every variable.
  • Operator is a symbol that performs operation on data.
  • A Block of instructions defined to perform a task.
  • Array is an object and it is used to store more than one value but of same type.
  • String is a sequence of characters.
  • Class is a collection of Variables and Methods.
  • The concept of hiding implementations of functionality in communication.
  • Defining an object that show different behavior while communicating with different types of Objects.

.NET is a Microsoft open source technology that enables developers to build various types of applications. .NET training in Ameerpet Technologies will help you gain expertise in using this technology to build web applications, Windows applications, and web services. You will also learn to deploy, configure, and test these applications.

.NET Full Stack Course: The .NET course at Ameerpet Technologies covers the full stack of .NET development technologies, from C# and Visual Basic .NET to ASP.NET and WCF. The course is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the Microsoft .NET platform and prepare them for a career as a full-stack .NET developer. The course starts with an introduction to the C# programming language and object-oriented programming concepts. It then moves on to cover the different aspects of the .NET Framework, such as the Common Language Runtime, the Framework Class Library, and ADO.NET. The course also covers web development using ASP.NET and Windows Communication Foundation. Finally, the course explores advanced topics such as security, deployment, and performance optimization.

About .NET

.NET is a Microsoft Windows-based technology that enables software developers to create software with a well-defined structure. It also provides a consistent programming model for building applications that are easy to maintain and scale. The .NET platform can be used to build a wide variety of applications, including: – Web applications – Windows Forms applications – Console applications – Class libraries – XML Web services – Components and controls The .NET platform includes the following components: – The .NET Framework class library, which provides a comprehensive set of reusable types and components that you can use to develop your applications. – The Common Language Runtime (CLR), which manages the execution of code and provides services that make the development process easier. For example, the CLR provides memory management, type safety, and exception handling. – The .NET Framework SDK, which includes tools, documentation, and samples that you can use to develop, deploy, and debug your applications.
.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft. It is used to create web-based applications and services. .NET is a part of the Microsoft .NET platform and can be used with a number of programming languages such as C#, VB.NET, and F#. The .NET course at Ameerpet Technologies will introduce you to the various aspects of web development using .NET. You will learn how to create, deploy, and debug web applications and services. The course will also cover topics such as data access, security, and performance.


  1. C# contents:

    1. C# introduction
    2. C# variables and Methods
    3. C# Data types
    4. C# Operators
    5. C# Conditional Statements
    6. C# Loops
    7. C# Branching statements
    8. C# Arrays
    9. C# Strings
    10. C# Object oriented Programming
    11. C# Exception Handling
    12. C# File IO
    13. C# Collections
    14. C# Generics
    15. C# Delegates
    16. C# Multi-threading


    ADO .net contents:

    1. Introduction
    2. SQL server commands
    3. Connection
    4. Data Reader
    5. Data Set
    6. Data Adapter
    7. Data Tables
    8. CRUD operations example.


    ASP contents:

    1. Introduction
    2. Web components
    3. Life cycle
    4. Web forms
      1. Labels, Text Boxes, Buttons
      2. Links
      3. Radio Buttons and Check boxes
      4. Calender
      5. Drop Down List
      6. Cookies
      7. Sessions
      8. Data Grid
    5. Validations
    6. Authentication
    7. Registration
    8. Server Controls
    9. MVC
      1. Model
      2. Controller
      3. Selectors
      4. Filters
      5. Model Binding
      6. View
      7. Entity Framework


    SQL Server












  1. Introduction to Programming
  2. Introduction to Python
  3. Script v/s Program
  4. Installing Python
  5. Programming elements
  6. First Program in Python
  7. Variables
    1. Local variables
    2. Global variables
    3. Global keyword
    4. Rules to define variables
  8. Operators
  9. Control Statements
    1. Conditional statements
    2. Looping statements
    3. Branching statements
  10. Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Classification of Methods
    3. Recursion
    4. Input() and Data conversion functions.
    5. Argument type functions
  11. Strings
  12. List
  13. Tuple
  14. Set and Frozen Set
  15. Dictionary
  16. Object Oriented Programming
  17. Exception handling
  18. Lambda Expressions
  19. File IO
  20. Tkinter
  21. Database – MySQL
  22. Data
  23. Regex
  24. Math and OS module
  25. Command line arguments
  26. Numpy
  27. Pandas
  28. MatPlotLib
  29. JSON object
  30. Decorators, Generators and Closures
  31. CSV file
  32. Pickling and Un pickling
  33. Introduction to Django


      1. HTML

        1. Introduction
        2. HTML elements
        3. HTML Attributes
        4. Paragraph and Heading tags
        5. Images and Hyper Links
        6. Formatting tags
        7. Tables and Lists
        8. Form tags
        9. Div tag


        CSS :

        1. Introduction
        2. Inline, Internal and External CSS
        3. Background and Text colors
        4. Fonts
        5. Borders and Shading
        6. Margins, Padding and Position
        7. Layouts



        1. Introduction
        2. Variables
        3. Operators
        4. Conditional Statements
        5. Loops
        6. Branching statements
        7. Arrays and Strings
        8. ES6 features





        1. Introduction
        2. Installation
        3. Variables and Types
        4. Var and Let
        5. Operators
        6. Control Statements
        7. Arrays
        8. Tuples
        9. Unions
        10. Strings
        11. Collections
        12. Modules
        13. Object Oriented Approach
        14. TypesScript vs ES6



        1. Introduction
        2. Installation
        3. First application
        4. Architecture
        5. Directives
        6. ngIf directive
        7. ngFor directive
        8. ngSwithc directive
        9. Data binding
        10. Strings
        11. Events
        12. Forms
        13. CRUD application



1. Introduction to Programming and Technologies
2. Introduction to Java
3. JDK, Compiler, API, JRE, JIT and JVM
4. Compile and Run the First Program
5. Programming Elements
6. API documentation
7. IDEs
8. Hello World Program
9. Variables
10. Operators
a. Arithmetic Operators
b. Relational Operators
c. Logical Operators
d. Modify Operators
e. Conditional Operator
f. Bitwise Operators
g. Shift Operators
h. Compound Assignment Operators
11. Control Statements
a. Conditional Statements
i. If
ii. If-else
iii. If-else-if
iv. Nested-if
v. switch
b. Looping Statements
i. For loop
ii. While loop
iii. Do-while loop
iv. Nested loop
c. Branching Statements
i. Break
ii. Continue
iii. Return
d. Pattern programs
e. Within the range programs
f. Menu Driven programs using if else if
g. Menu Driven programs using switch
h. Logical programs
12. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
a. OOP principles
b. Classes and Objects
c. Naming Rules
13. Variables
a. Static variables
b. Instance variables
c. Local variables
d. Method parameters
14. Methods
a. Static methods
b. Instance methods
c. Classification of methods
d. Recursion
15. Constructor
a. Default constructor
b. Parameterized constructor
c. This keyword
d. Object initialization
e. this()
16. Access Modifiers
17. Encapsulation – POJO rules
18. Inheritance
a. Types of inheritance
b. Single inheritance
c. Multi level inheritance
d. Hierarchical inheritance
e. Super and super()
f. Method overriding
19. Final modifier
20. Abstraction – Abstract classes
21. Interfaces and Multiple inheritance
22. Polymorphism
23. Exception Handling
24. Multi-threading
25. Arrays
26. Strings
27. IO Streams
28. Command Line arguements
29. Collections and Generics
30. JDK 8 features


  1. Introduction to Programming
    1. Introduction to C language
    2. Programming elements
  2. Library and IDE
  3. Hello World Program
  4. Variables
  5. Operators
    1. Arithmetic Operators
    2. Relational Operators
    3. Logical Operators
    4. Modify Operators
    5. Conditional Operator
    6. Bitwise Operators
    7. Shift Operators
    8. Compound Assignment Operators
  6. Control Statements
    1. Conditional Statements
      1. If
      2. If-else
  • If-else-if
  1. Nested-if
  2. switch
  1. Looping Statements
    1. For loop
    2. While loop
  • Do-while loop
  1. Nested loop
  1. Branching Statements
    1. Break
    2. Continue
  • Goto
  1. Return
  1. Pattern programs
  2. Within the range programs
  3. Menu Driven programs using if else if
  4. Menu Driven programs using switch
  5. Logical programs
  1. Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Pre-defined functions
    3. Classification of functions
    4. Recursion
    5. Menu Driven programs using functions
  2. Arrays
    1. Introduction
    2. One dimensional arrays
    3. Passing array as parameter to function
    4. Two dimensional arrays
    5. Multi dimensional arrays
  3. Strings
    1. Introduction
    2. String Library Functions
    3. String logical programs
    4. Passing String as parameter to function
  4. Structures
    1. Introduction
    2. Defining structure
    3. Local and Global structure
    4. Access elements of Structure
    5. Passing Structure as parameter to function
    6. Array of structures
    7. Arrays in structure
    8. Nested structures
  5. Unions
  6. Pointers
    1. Introduction
    2. Memory allocation
    3. Access data through pointers
    4. Call by value and Call By reference
    5. Pointer arithmetic
    6. Pointer to function
    7. Array of pointers
    8. Pointer to array
    9. Pointer to structure
    10. Pointer to string
    11. Two dimensional strings
    12. Pointer to pointer
    13. Complex Pointers
  7. Dynamic Memory Allocation
    1. Introduction
    2. Malloc()
    3. Calloc()
    4. Realloc()
    5. Free()
  8. Files
    1. Introduction to files
    2. Open file in different modes
    3. Read data from file
    4. Write data into file
    5. Copy file
    6. Read file Line by Line
    7. Write String into file
    8. fseek(), ftell() functions
    9. Renaming the file
    10. Removing the file
  9. Command Line Arguments
  10. Pre-processor
  11. Storage Classes
  12. Typedef
  13. Enum
  14. Graphics



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